Friday 5 December 2014

Blogmas!! - Sort off

I really wanted to try blogmas - basically blogging everyday in December. I think it's fun and also a good way of encouraging consistent blogging, I really have good intentions to blog, and often plan to blog certain posts but life has a habit of butting in lol.

I didn't want to declare it on the blog as I really hate *faillure* and know there'll be times that I wont be able to post. I had it in my mind that I'd try to post for a few days and see if it was doable. Surprisingly, I haven't done too badly!
Sooooo I'll try and post at LEAST every 3 days in December and if I manage to do more whooooop Bonus!!

With all that being said I don't want to just post things for the sake of it but knowing my rambling brain and mouth I'll definitely have lots to say. I will enjoy reading other bloggers who are doin blogmas and it will keep me up to date with the blogs I love to follow as I haven't had a chance to read them for ages. I will also use this opportunity to find new blogs that I wouldn't have found otherwise.

I'm hoping to do some Blogmas Tags, challenges, posts and the like to keep me motivated to post and also I miss the blog hops, challenges and fun I used to have in *blogsphere* - now that I'm on the up health and emotion wise I will be doing these again, so I'm off for a little search to see which ones are around.

See you much sooner than usual lolololol

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