Friday 9 January 2015


This week sees the start of Homeschooling for our 7 year old.

He has been going through a terrible time at school. Without going into too much detail here, he has been treated poorly (I really wanted to use a string of different words here but I'm trying to exercise self control lol)
We have gone through what seems like a nightmare time and after the last straw have taken him out of the school. He left at the end of the term before Christmas. He is happy to leave the school but not his friends. While we are looking into a school near our new place, I will be homeschooling him.

I NEVER would have thought I would be a homeschooling mum..... I have gone through sooo many changes in the last year or so and have become a different person in so many ways.

I had so many preconceived ideas but after much research am at a different place.

I want my son to be happy, that's the long and short of it and he was far from happy at school. I saw his whole character change to a sad, unhappy, tearful boy.

It is a HUGE change to get used to - for both of us - and I am learning as I go. It's been 3 days so far and we're still getting into the routine of things. The youngest is also getting used to sharing me in the daytime.... I can't say he's too impressed lol.

I have had to really look at how I organise my day and it will deffo be a work in progress to get everything done and in some kind of order (haaaaaaaa what is that again?)

Blogging has been one of the back burner stuff but I'm sure I can work it into my day if I try.

I am enjoying the new change but it is very tiring. I'm hoping to find some bloggers who homeschool so I can get info etc.

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