Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Baileys Almande Vegan/Dairy Free is here!!

Hi everyone!!
Baileys Almande has arived in the UK.
I saw an advert for it last year and have been looking out for it ever since.
I finally managed to get my hands on a bottle during a quick run to Whole Foods and thought I'd do a taste test and mini haul video.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Crazy Weather and Decluttering!!

Hi everyone!! What a crazy couple of months!!

Its been hectic here and  the weather has definitely been hectic too.

We've had snow, sleet, snow, hail, snow, rain and did I mention SNOW!! lol. The kiddies loved the snow, me not so much.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate snow... I just hate the feeling of falling in the snow.  My old ankle injuries make it quite difficult to walk in the snow and with snow comes ice which is even worse. I literally walk at a pace slower than a tortoise, I can get quite anxious and had a semi panic attack/melt down on the school pick up run.
I was dreading the next school run but remembered some WinterTrax I bought a few years back.
I had been decluttering before Christmas and came across them so tried to retrace my footsteps ('scuse the pun😝) I found them, put them on my boots and wow!! what a difference they made. I actually got to the school in the same amount of time as usual (the melt down day, it took me 15 minutes extra!). I could walk art regular pace, my ankles didn't hurt and my feet didn't slip once. The only problem is that they're not for indoors so when I went into the shop they were a little slippery.


The boys couldn't believe the snow settled and was falling so heavily, they absolutely loved it and at last I wasn't a shaking wreck and could enjoy it with them.... apart from being freezing cold lol.

On the subject of decluttering, I have started to declutter again. Hoorahhhh!!! Although I am still feeling the black cloud hovering, I am trying to push through and work on getting our house nice.
I started in the kitchen last week and tackled two surfaces on Saturday, the dreaded container and cup cupboard on Sunday and another surface and corner on Wednesday.

It has made such a difference to the room!! it looks so much brighter and feels way lighter. I feel so happy with the accomplishment and am motivated to keep going, even if its a little at a time.

Even though the before pictures make me cringe, I can be pleased with how the after pictures look enough to keep my guilt at bay.

I have started to watch and read more cleaning/organising videos and blogs so if you have any channel or blog recommendations please let me know.

Have a great day, "see" you soon xxx