Wednesday, 15 February 2017

New Budget Buys Series

Hiya!. I hope you are all well and enjoying your week so far, I have started a new Series called "Budget Buys"
Hair, Beauty and even household items can be quite costly so I am always looking for ways to save pennies.
I'll be sharing my favourite budget items, brands, hacks, tips etc. and looking for new ones too.

For the Series I thought I would visit a few low cost shops and get some items to make a DIY Subscription Box. I love watching subscription box unboxings and reviews and also reading about them on blogs, forums etc but they can be quite expensive and many don't seem like great value if I'm honest so I thought it would be fun to do my own.
This time around I went to Poundland and picked up a variety of items.

Please let me know if you have any ideas, tips, suggestions or even any brands you would like me to try.

Thanks for watching xxx

Monday, 13 February 2017

Checking In!

Hi!! I have no words for my blomas 2016 epic fail so I'll just gloss over it and carry on as if it didn't even happen.

I thought I would come and do a quick "check in" post as its been a while since I posted last (shamelessly ignoring that my last post was part of the blogmas fail) I have been trying to organise myself better and it has been very busy the last few months. I feel as the boys get older the appointments, plans, trips etc just become much more and the time to do it all in gets shorter.
I seem to be behind with my daily schedules frequently and as fo my planned tasks... I'm always playing cach up.

I will be having a proper look into organising techniques, tips, hacks and tools and get my stuff in gear.

I am still trying to eat better, exercise more and shift this weight. I am walking a great deal and that's really been helping. I have stayed on my Pescatarian challenge although I don't actually see it as a challenge any more as it's been a long while and I am not finding it a struggle at all. In fact I actually eat more vegetarian and vegan meals as I don't have fish everyday.

My hair is striving and I am going to start another hair growth challenge soon as quite a few people have requested another one. I am contemplating putting my hair in a protective style as it is quite cold here with snowy days and lots of rain.
I wore my hair stretched for a couple of weeks and while it was nice having sleek styles and seeing more of my hairs length, it was quite a lot of manipulation - more than Im comfortable with and also quite time consuming for the school runs.

I have a fair amount of products and items that I have been kindly sent/given to review which I will bw doing very soon. I am very grateful for the opportunities given to me but I am trying to ensure that I keep close to having fun, informative and interesting content rather than just review after review which can come across as disingenuous at times.
I also wouldn't like to feel pressured to giving a certain review just because I was sent an item. I have reviewed items/products that I have purchased myself in the past just to share my experiences and offer suggestions for things I love, I think as long as I use the same criteria when reviewing these given items Ill be ok. I do realise I'm probably overthinking it all (whats new there ;) )

Well..... That's it for now. It's half term here and the boys are keeping my day nice and busy lol.

I hope you all had a great New Year and your year so far is going well.