Saturday, 30 January 2016

Unboxing - Mally Urban Chic Collection.

Hi!! I picked up the Mally Urban Chic Collection before Christmas for a Christmas present and finally got around to filming the unboxing.
It's been ages since I recorded anything much less uploaded and I'm very thankful to those who gently prodded requested some new videos.
I have sooooo many isms that keep me from uploading but I'm getting better at quieting the negativity and getting on with things.

I love Mally and her make up items so when I saw the collection at a special price I had to get it.
The items included are:
  • Face Defender Boost in Universal Bronze.
  • 1 x Volumizing Mascara in Black 
  • 1 x Evercolor Starlight Waterproof Eyeliner in Sailor
  • 1 x Evercolor Shadow Stick Extra in Over The Taupe
  • 1 x H3 Gel Lipstick in Orchid
  • 1 x Strobe Cream 
The kit looks absolutely fab, I can't wait to play with it.

Friday, 15 January 2016

so THIS happened....

Not much to say but OUCH!! I hurt my wrist somehow and left it thinking it would get better (as you do!) I just got on with things but the pain got worse as the days went by.
I must have overworked it on Christmas Day because in the evening, after all the dinner things had been cleared away, I was in agony.
I went to the Walk In Centre the next day which being Boxing Day was quite busy. I was told I had a pulled/sprained tendon and given a splint to wear, wrist exercises and instructions to take pain meds and wear the splint for a week, taking it off regularly to exercise my wrist. If the pain was still bad after a week I could wear it for another week only so that I don't experience muscle wasting (yikes!)

As the two weeks are now up I don't wear the splint any more but I still feel the strain especially when I move it in a particular way, for instance turning a key, or when I lift something too heavy.

With my wrist being like this, I have found it difficult to do day to day things and doing my hair has been quite difficult.

Now.... I'm trying not to sound like a moaner but..... I have also had some dental problems over the Christmas and New Year. I have been battling a strong phobia of dentists and teeth and kept away for years. With all my unhealthy practices over the years before I started to get my self together my teeth have really suffered, paired with hiding from the dentist it's no wonder I was in terrible pain with an infection. I worked up the courage with the support of a dear friend (hi mi fren xx) and with strength from God (thank you Father), fought the fear and went to the dentist. Antibiotics helped with the infection(and brought their own yucky problem...ahem) and the lovely dentist got to work on my teeth. I must say she is wonderful!! I am flabbergasted as I type this that I actually uttered the word "wonderful" and "dentist" in the same breath!! Sooooo I've had some extensive dental work done and I'm dealing with that pain too.

I promise this isn't a "woe is me" post, I have quite a few other health/pain niggles that I'm dealing with at the moment BUT I am determined not to let it all get me down.

I'm trying to get on with things and be as upbeat as possible.

Blogging, understandably has been difficult but I will be back to regular posts very soon.

To change the topic completely..... can you believe we are half way through January already?! Wow!!

I hope you are having a great week and your month is going well xxx